About The Artist

      "A strong person that isn't afraid of showing their sexuality, sensuality, emotions and independency. Using their inner spirits to create art in many forms."

My mind has always been a creative galaxy that goes beyond I can even understand at times. I paint how I feel and what images come to mind. I paint how the world feels but may be too afraid to speak a loud. I love working with my hands and building things from scratch. Painting and creating has helped me with my severe anxiety, chronic depression, and just self-doubt. By creating FFA I wanted anyone to know that know matter what adversities you face in life you can do it. Femme Fatale Artistry was created because I wanted Black people to feel like they had hope. I wanted Black people, POC, and all RACES to know that they can be HEARD. I wanted all my he,she, they, thems to recognize black is excellence. That we are here, we need to be respected, and we need to be heard. FFA was created to show those who have always been told they weren't good enough to do something and felt like everything was stacked against them. This is to remind you, that YOU can do ANYTHING you set your mind too. This is meant for anyone of any race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexuality. We all deserve a voice in this huge world. We all deserve to truly be ourselves. I will forever use my voice, my power, my energy and my soul to scream that Black is beautiful, Black is powerful, and Black is Magical.